Les Cahiers duRAMSIssue 13 - september 2005 | |
13 (en français)
EditorialWith this thirteenth issue of our annual publication, we are happy to announce our new formula – to use our website instead of paper; Another step towards worldwide accessibility. We will refrain from publishing a whole year’s content at the same time; it would generate too many pages and be too tedious to print out. Hence periodic doses will appear under various headings. This time round: Press review. In the months to come : articles (two having already appeared concerning theoretical hypotheses and an update on the research in hand on yoga teachers.) Good news also for today’s readers: our creation of the “Benefactor” category of membership has already proved to be a positive initiative. We already have several Benefactor members of whom two – who prefer to remain anonymous – offer grants of €3000 “with the aim of furthering work in a university context”. We shall be working to establish the necessary contacts with a view to organising studies leading to a DEA, Master’s, etc. (Astrology is already an official academic discipline in Indian universities, see website: www.ahmedabad.com/index/viewarticle/article/16464/section/14)A bilingual document introducing RAMS with its Manifesto was distributed at the SEP-HERMES congress in Paris and will be handed out at the International Astrology Conference to be held at the end of this summer at the University of York, G.B. (and when, one wonders, will such an event take place in a French university?) Good luck, then, to our new organisation which seems to have got off on the right foot. S.F.B. In our last administrative meeting , we decided to give the qualification of "corresponding member" of RAMS to |
Mise à jour de la page : 1 Septembre 2005